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When to Restripe a Parking Lot

How often should a parking lot be restriped?

Whether you're a parking lot owner or a business owner with an attached parking lot, you know there's a lot that goes into its upkeep. A fundamental and crucial part of this maintenance is parking lot restriping. This involves repainting all the lines and necessary markings throughout your lot. These clear boundaries and markers are essential for your lot to be more organized and safe.

The most critical reason for restriping parking lots is to increase visibility. Clear and well-defined lines direct drivers where to park, helping them easily navigate the parking lot. Likewise, they help with traffic flow and keep pedestrians safe by providing designated walkways and crosswalks. Faded parking lot lines can confuse drivers and cause accidents.

Property managers can maintain a safe and efficient parking environment by regularly restriping. How often and how to do so depends on a few factors.

When should you restripe a parking lot?

a parking lot full of cars

Parking lots should be restriped every 18 to 24 months to ensure that markings remain visible and can effectively direct traffic. However, this timeline can vary depending on aspects like traffic use and weather. For areas with heavy snowfall and frequent plowing, the lot may need restriping more often. The harsh weather and the abrasive action of snowplows can wear down the paint faster, leading to faded lines and markings.

Similarly, if your business needs change, you may need to restripe sooner. For example, suppose your business decides to allocate more parking spaces for people with disabilities or introduce a new traffic flow pattern. In that case, the lot must be restriped to reflect these changes.

So, while the 18 to 24-month guideline is a good starting point, it's essential to regularly assess your lot's condition and adjust your restriping schedule as necessary.

Reasons to restripe a parking lot

Maintaining a consistent restriping schedule is crucial, but there are various other factors to consider when deciding to restripe your parking lot.

Parking lot lines are fading

The most common reason for restriping is faded parking lot lines. Over time, weather, daily traffic wear and tear, paint quality, and constant exposure to the elements can cause fading. This can make it difficult for drivers to navigate the parking lot, find available spaces, or determine where to pick up and drop off passengers.

Fortunately, restriping these faded lines is straightforward, and regular maintenance can prevent them from getting too faint.

After sealcoating or asphalt repair

After major maintenance tasks, your parking lot lines may need to be restriped or touched up. Sealcoating, in particular, covers the entire surface area of your lot, including the existing lines. Once the sealcoat has dried, you should restripe the lines to ensure they're visible. Similarly, if part of your asphalt has been repaired, the new surface may not match the old lines, necessitating a fresh stripe.

Keeping up with ADA compliance

As a community business or public parking lot, it's essential to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Businesses must provide accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities. If your parking lot doesn't meet these requirements, or if you've recently added new parking spaces, you may need to restripe your lot to include the necessary ADA-compliant areas.

These spaces must be clearly marked and meet specific size and location requirements to ensure accessibility. These requirements are:

  • One in every 25 spaces must be van-accessible.
  • ADA parking spaces must be 8 feet wide, with an access aisle of at least 5 feet.
  • ADA spaces must be marked with the international symbol of accessibility.

Having proper ADA-compliant spaces promotes inclusivity and accessibility within your community.

A van-accessible parking space located in a parking lot.

Need to change parking lot layout

In some cases, the layout of your parking lot may need to be completely changed. This could be due to a change in the flow of traffic, the addition of new buildings, installing new traffic signs, or the need to accommodate more cars. When the layout changes, new lines will need to be drawn and old ones must be removed.

The latter requires specialized equipment and expertise, but keeping your lot compliant and safe is essential.

There are several ways to restripe a parking lot. Learning about each option will help you choose the best method for your needs, budget, and timeline.

Ways to restripe a parking lot

Restriping a parking lot can be a straightforward DIY task if the needs are simple, with various methods available. However, it may be best to hire professional services for more complex needs.

Pavement marking tape

Pavement marking tape is a viable option for simple restriping jobs. It's an effective way to create clear, durable lines on your parking lot without the hassle of paint. To use marking tape, ensure that the parking lot's surface is clean and dry. Then, apply the tape along the desired lines, pressing it down firmly for good adhesion.

This method is generally best for small parking lots or areas with light traffic. While it may be a budget-friendly option, tape tends to wear down faster than paint and is not recommended for high-traffic areas.

Parking lot paint

Parking lot paint is the most common method to restripe a parking lot. This involves using a line striping machine or stencils to apply the paint to the asphalt. Before painting, prepare the space by cleaning it thoroughly and removing debris. Then use a machine or stencil to apply the paint, ensuring the lines are straight and evenly spaced.

You can also use pavement markers, handicapped parking stencils, and reflective pavement markers to create clear, visible markings on your lot. These markers are handy for restriping at night or in low-light conditions. Pavement markers offer a durable option, while stencils and markers provide an easy way to create precise, professional-looking lines.

Individual using a temporary paint marker to mark existing parking spot lines.

Hire professional services

For lots requiring more extensive restriping jobs, such as pavement replacement or removing many old paint lines, it might be best to hire a professional service.

Professionals will have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle larger restriping jobs. They have tools for removing old paint, pressure washing the surface, and applying new lines precisely. They can also ensure that the restriping meets all relevant regulations and standards, including ADA compliance.

The benefits of regular parking lot striping

A well-maintained lot is more than just a visually appealing space; it also has many practical benefits for businesses and customers.

  • Ease of use and convenience: Well-marked parking lots make it easier for customers to navigate and find available spaces.
  • Better traffic flow: Clear, visible lines help direct traffic efficiently within the parking lot, reducing confusion and the potential for accidents.
  • Increased safety: Properly striped parking lots contribute to pedestrian safety by clearly delineating walkways and crosswalks.
  • Reduced liability: By promoting safe and orderly parking, regular striping can reduce the risk of accidents and, in turn, limit your liability for any incidents on your property.
  • Curb appeal and resell value: A well-maintained appearance contributes to curb appeal and potentially increases your resale value.
  • Compliance: Proper striping ensures that your parking lot complies with local fire codes and the ADA by clearly marking fire lanes and accessible parking spaces.

Each benefit is essential to maintaining a welcoming, safe, and compliant parking lot for your business or property. By choosing the best restriping method for your needs and regularly updating the lines, you can help ensure that everyone who uses your lot has an enjoyable experience.

Additional pavement marking best practices

When restriping, it's a valuable opportunity to examine your parking lot's features closely. While often overlooked, the impact of signage, crosswalks, and other markings is just as crucial. You should look for any areas that need to be updated. A few additional considerations include:

  • Signage: Safety, directional, informational, and ADA-compliant signs impact traffic flow and pedestrian safety within your lot. Check their conditions and replace any damaged or missing signs.
  • Crosswalks: Marked crosswalks are necessary for pedestrian safety and alert drivers to potential pedestrian activity. Regularly check for any missing or faded markings and refresh as necessary.
  • Reflectors: These help improve visibility in low-light conditions, and therefore improve safety for both drivers and pedestrians. Ensure your reflectors are in good condition and replace any damaged or missing ones.
  • Speed bumps and curbs: These additions can help control vehicle speed and direct traffic, reducing the risk of accidents. Be sure to inspect them regularly and replace damaged ones as needed.

In the long run, regularly maintaining and updating your parking lot markings prevents accidents and saves time and money on costly professional services in the future. Plus, it's an opportunity to enhance your property's appearance and create a positive impression for customers or tenants.